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2025 Track Season

Catholic Memorial High School

Catholic Memorial high school girls track and field is looking for an assistant jumps coach. Experience with college jumping preferred but open to hearing from other situations as well. Please email Coach Kemp, if interested.

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School (DSHA), located in Milwaukee, WI, is seeking track & field coaches with experience in Hurdles and Horizontal Jumps (Long & Triple Jump) for the 2025 spring track season.
If interested, please contact Brian Calhoun (Head Coach) at

Edgewood High School

Edgewood High School in Madison is looking for an assistant Spring Coach(es). Interested candidates can contact Jeff Gifford.

(608) 347-5760

Homestead High School

The Homestead High School girls track & field program is looking to fill a throws coaching position. Having throws coaching experience or having participated in the throws at a competitive level is preferred. 

Applicants must possess great communication skills, dependability, accountability, and flexibility.  The program is very competitive in the North Shore Conference and historically, the throws group is about 5-10 girls. Practices are daily from 3pm-5pm with one JV and one Var meet per week. 

Interested candidates should email Head Girls Coach: John Krueger  and AD: Erich Hinterstocker.

Johnson Creek High School

Johnson Creek is looking for a boys and girls high school track coach that has experience in coaching pole vault, and possibly as well as hurdles. 

Please contact head coach Paula Constable with interest and questions. 


Lake Country Lutheran High School

Lake Country Lutheran High School is looking for a Throw’s Coach. Experience in throwing is preferred, but we are open to anyone with a Track background. Please e-mail Coach Jon Oldenburg at


Lakeland Union High School

Would you or someone you know be interested in coaching this season? 

Lakeland Union High School in Minocqua is looking to fill a vacancy either as assistant or volunteer, primarily in the horizontal jumps and have willingness to at least supervise some weight room or be a part of advancing our athletes in strength and conditioning with weights or other program. This position could be filled by one to several people if multiple are interested in part time. 

Our 2024 team had about 80+ kids & truly a delight to be around. 
This candidate could be part or full time, have some knowledge of track and field & some long and/or triple jump personal or coaching experience. 

Must possess great communication skills, professionalism, dependability, accountability, flexibility, skills to build a connection with coaching staff and athletes and of course creativeness to make the season fun. 

Interested candidates should email LUHS Head Coach: Stephanie Strasburg, Email: 

Martin Luther High School

Martin Luther High School in the greater Milwaukee area is looking to fill our an assistant track coach position, in the area of throws.  Qualified applicants should have coaching experience or have participated in track at a competitive level.  They must also have great communication skills, flexibility in schedules, and an overall appreciation for the sport.  Our team consists of around 50-60 athletes (male and female), and continue to grow each year.

Interested candidates should email Head Coach, Danielle Hawkins, at

Oconto High School

Oconto High School is looking to fill our varsity head track coach and an assistant track coach position.  Qualified applicants should have track coaching experience or have participated in track at a competitive level.

Applicants must possess great communication skills, dependability, accountability, and flexibility.  Historically, the team consists of around 30 athletes but we are looking to grow that number.

Interested candidates should email OUSD Activities Director, Adam Timm, at

Plymouth High School

Plymouth High School is seeking one or two Assistant Track & Field Coaches to join our coaching staff for the upcoming season. We are looking for individuals with a strong background in throwing events (shot put, discus), though experience in other track and field events is also highly valued. Please contact Glen Smith, head coach if you are interested at or (920) 838-3177.

Port Washington High School

Port Washington high school track and field is looking for an assistant throws coach. This coach is responsible for coaching both genders and all levels. Experience is preferred but open to hearing from other situations as well. Please email Coach Pasten at if interested.

Shawano Community HS

Shawano Community HS, in Shawano, WI is in search of 1 or 2 assistant coaches for our boys and girls track and field teams to assist with sprinters and to work with our athletes participating in the high jump and/or long and triple jumps. For more information, please contact our Activities Director, Joel Wondra at

Waunakee High School

Waunakee High School is looking for an assistant throws coach. Please email Coach Grabarski at

Wisconsin Lutheran College

Wisconsin Lutheran College is seeking a part-time Assistant Throws Coach, who also would be open to starting asap this fall yet.  Time commitment is flexible, and residing in the greater Milwaukee area would be a plus. Please contact Ken Woodall if interested at 414-840-1325 or

Xavier High School

Xavier High School in Appleton is looking to fill our varsity head track coach position for the 2025 season.  Qualified applicants should have track coaching experience or have participated in track at a competitive level.

Interested candidates should email Xavier Athletic Director, Luke Herriges at

 If you have a coaching vacancy that you would like posted please email Kari Krakow, WISTCA Secretary.