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Article I
NAME: The name of the organization shall be the Wisconsin Track Coaches Association (WISTCA).
Article II
PURPOSE: The purpose of this association shall be:
1) To promote and foster track and field athletics in Wisconsin high schools.
2) To help resolve mutual problems of track coaches and provide opportunities for professional growth and fellowship.
3) To always function within the framework of the State High School Coaches Federation.
4) To endeavor to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards in track and field coaching and officiating.
5) To strive for strong public relations and communications so as to promote and publicize the sport.
6) To study proposed rule changes and make recommendations to the appropriate state committee.
7) To support student-athletes through yearly scholarships, if sufficient funds are available.

Article III
Membership i n this organization shall be open to all track and field coaches, heads or assistants of the WIAA affiliated schools. People who do not qualify for regular membership shall be eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall receive all publications but shall not have the privilege of voting. Annual membership extends from clinic to clinic, or February to February. Annual dues for regular or associate membership are $60.00 . Membership includes registration in the annual clinic. Coaches not attending the clinic may join WISTCA at anytime through the association website. Memberships paid prior to March 1st will be eligible for membership to The United States Track and Cross Country Coaches  Association(USTFCCCA). Memberships paid after September 1st are applicable for the following year.
Article IV
The officers of this organization shall be the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, District Representatives, Women 4 Women Coordinator, Middle School Representative, and Diversity and Inclusion Representative. There will be seven District Reps, one for each of the WIAA districts. They shall serve a term of two years. All elections will be held i n District Caucus Meetings immediately following the Business Meeting in conjunction with the Annual Clinic. The President-Elect position, and Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 will conduct elections i n even numbered years. Districts 2, 4, 6, will conduct elections i n the odd numbered years. The President shall appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, Women 4 Women coordinator, Middle School Rep and Diversity and Inclusion Representative. Upon the expiration of the President's two-year term i n office, or i n
the event the President i s unable to fulfill his or her term i n office, the President-Elect will automatically assume the Presidency.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and five appointed positions including, Secretary, Treasurer, Women for Women Coordinator, Middle School Representative, Diversity and Inclusion Representative, as well as the chairpersons of the standing committees. A quorum shall be defined as 50% of
the elected officers present at an executive committee meeting duly called by the President. The Executive Committee, by a majority vote, shall have authority to act for the association and shall serve as a nominating committee for elections. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting.

In the event that one executive committee member should hold more than one executive committee position, he/she may appoint a proxy voter to exercise his/her second vote.
Article V
The annual meeting of the association shall be held on the Friday evening of the WISTCA clinic. The purpose of this meeting will be to share and gather information. The Executive Committee will meet in the fall, spring and summer of each year: 1) to draw up resolutions regarding track and field that involve matters to be
considered by the Track Coaches' Association, and 2) to transact normal business of the association. The Executive Committee has the power to call meetings at any time to discuss business including amendments. Amendments: Amendments to or revisions of this constitution may be made by a majority of the Officers and
voting at any meeting duly called by the President.
Article VI
WISTCA is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Article VII
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding
section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article VIII: Officers unable to perform duties
If any of the Officers or Executive Committee member is unable to complete his/her term, the President will appoint a WISTCA member to complete the term.
Article IX: Dissolution of WISTCA
In the event of dissolution of WISTCA, any remaining funds shall be remitted to the WIAA to help offset the cost of the State Track and Field Meet
Article X: Removal from WISTCA Hall of Fame
The Wisconsin Track Coaches’ Association reserves the right to remove a member from the WISTCA Hall of Fame for cause based on a 75% affirmative vote of the Executive Committee. Removal is a serious action and should only be considered as a last resort in cases of conviction for a felony crime or other egregious conduct reflecting poorly on the WISTCA. The Executive Committee shall notify an inductee
prior to POTENTIA L removal from the Hall of Fame. The inductee may request a hearing or submit a letter to the committee explaining his/her case.

Officer Duties

A) Preside at all WISTCA business and organization meetings. (Clinic, Clinic Evaluation, Spring, Summer and Fall).
a. Set dates, time and site. Prepare accommodations and make any necessary reservations.
b. Develop agenda with input from other officers

Meeting in June
b. Communicate Agenda to track and field representative at WIAA two weeks i n advance of the Advisory Committee Meeting.
B) Submit a list of names to the WIAA to serve on the WIAA Track and Field Advisory Committee.
a. Set date, time and site of WIAA Track and Field Advisory Committee Agenda Construction

c. Attend and preside at WIAA Track and Field Advisory Committee Meeting in Stevens Point (June).
C) Assist webmaster with updating of WISTCA website including start of season address.
D) Monitor operations of WISTCA. Assist other officers, reps, awards chairperson and clinic committee where needed.
E) Collect input from membership. Pursue goals of membership and act in the best interests of the membership.
F) Distribute and maintain All-State and Conference Team Championship Certificates.
G) Assist in the operation of the Annual Clinic.
H) Solicit door prizes for the Annual Clinic.
I) When the association deems necessary, the President will attend the National Track and Field Clinics/Conventions.
A) Compile yearly All-State Team.
B) Run ballot to select male and female Athletes-of-the-Year. Communicate results to Awards
Chairperson. Communicate results to yearly Athlete of the Year Recipients.
C) Attend all business and organizational meetings and assist the President with projects, surveys, newsletters and other tasks.
D) Assist in the coordination of any WISTCA activities.
E) Assist in the operation of the Annual Clinic.
F) Solicit door prizes for Clinic.
Past-President: (added to bylaws in 2023)
A) Act as advisor/mentor to the President and President-Elect.
B) Invite Past Presidents to the Anniversary Dinner.
C) Assist in the operations of the annual clinic.
D) Solicit door prizes for the annual clinic.

A) Take notes at all meetings, process them, and send them to all officers and executive committee members.
B) Serve as webmaster for the association and promote association activities using appropriate means of electronic communication.
C) Work closely with the association president and clinic director to coordinate meetings and events. 
D) Solicit Door Prizes for the Clinic.
A) Pay bills, collect, and deposit all monies and maintain an accurate account of all receipts and other banking transactions.
B) Present all appropriate information and documents to a Certified Public Accountant for the purposes of filing yearly taxes.
C) Prepare and present an annual treasurer’s report.
D) Solicit Door Prizes for the Clinic.
District Reps:
A) Serve a two-year term with the opportunity for re-election.
B) Attend all business and organizational meeting to discuss and develop association policy.
C) Responsible for District Coach-of-the-Year selection. Collect nominees and make selection of coaches. Send choices to Awards Chairperson. Collect biographical information and make a presentation at the District caucus meeting during the annual business meeting.
D) Run district caucus at Annual Clinic to share and collect information from district coaches.
E) Help in the operation of the Annual Clinic.
F) Solicit door prizes for the Clinic.

G) Promote the Clinic and recruit new members.
H) Send newsworthy items to the President or Secretary for publication in the association website.
I) Serve on sub-committees within the association.

Women4Women Coordinator:
A) Attend all business and organizational meetings to discuss and develop association policies.
B) Collect information and concerns regarding gender equity and bring them to the attention of the association.
C) Develop a Curriculum for the Women4Women sessions at the Annual Clinic.
D) Acquire speakers for the Women4Women sessions at the Annual Clinic.
E) Assist in the operations of the Annual Clinic.
F) Solicit door prizes for the Clinic.
G) Serve on sub-committees within the association.
Diversity and Inclusion Representative:
A) Attend all business and organizational meetings to discuss and develop association policies.
B) Collect information and concerns regarding diversity and inclusion topics and bring them to the attention of the association.

C) Assist in the operations of the Annual Clinic.
D) Solicit door prizes for the Clinic.
E) Serve on sub-committees within the association.
Middle School Rep:
A) Attend all business and organizational meeting to discuss and develop association policies.

B) Collect information and concerns regarding middle school issues and bring them to the attention of the association.
C) Assist in the operations of the annual clinic.
D) Solicit door prizes for the clinic.
E) Serve on sub-committees within the association.
Historian: (added to bylaws in 2023)
A) Maintain records of all historical data as it pertains to WISTCA and high school track and field in Wisconsin.
B) Conduct biennial reviews of the WISTCA bylaws in even numbered years.
C) Assist in the operations of the annual clinic.
D) Solicit door prizes for the annual clinic.
E) Serve on sub-committees within the association.
Awards Chair: (added to bylaws in 2023)
A. Convene Hall of Fame Committee to review Hall of Fame, Merit, and Service Award submissions
for induction and award presentations at the annual clinic.
B. Update and maintain award winner boards and assist the WISTCA Secretary in updating the information on the WISTCA website.
C. Coordinate all activities related to the Hall of Fame Ceremony.
D. Order awards for the Hall of Fame inductees, Athletes of the Year, District Coaches of the Year,
and State Coaches of the Year.
E. Assist in the operations of the annual clinic.
F. Solicit door prizes for the annual clinic.
G. Serve on sub-committees within the association.